I started as a production operator in the ends division of one of the largest canmaker in Europe. My fascination for metal packaging was born from the first day I walked into the factory! My interest in the dynamics of this type of packaging grew and I decided to develop my skills in this business. I developed my career starting in the ends department, to the printshop floor up to printshop management. Eventually I became responsible for coordinating all aspects related to coatings and inks in the central lab in Deventer.
Through my close contacts with coating suppliers I was given a chance to switch companies. After 16 years I started working for a respected cancoatings manufacture as account manager in Europe. Through the years many consolidations and take-overs took place in the coatings world. Around 2007 I wanted to get the feeling back to when I started. I had a vision to work in an environment where personal relations with customers, technically advanced technology, more local presence, passioned and driven people are the key to success. I decided it was time to start my own company. Together with a good team of people having the same ideas and motivation we started Diostyl Coatings in 2008 as our answer to the market. All in all: "A new way forward".
Diostyl Coatings has become a solid player providing cost-effective answers to complex details of can coatings. I still feel privileged working in this industry and I'm looking forward meeting you in helping solve your can coatings challenges.